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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the Hanoi Urban Governance has built and promulgated many management policies on socio-economic and environment and increased investment for sustainable development of industrial zones. However, Hanoi is still facing and addressing the conflicts of environment associated with group interests, including the conflicts of environment caused by industrial waste and its effects on the livelihood of people living in zones where the accident of industrial pollution occurs. Therefore, the urgent need now is to take management measures, specific solutions to regulate the activities of the state management, to address the security of society and to protect the ecology of environment in response to the risks of industry that is becoming more and more aggravated. In the time of COVID-19, the task of economics development is very important, many issues of the environment have not been solved, the pressure on the environment is growing, the risk of Hanoi becomes obsolete technological dumps. The study focuses on the process of building industrial zones in Hanoi from 2008 until now. By using the revised Pressure - Status - Responses (PSR) model, firstly developed by OECD 2003, fourteen major issues grouped and divided in 03 criteria such as: Pressure (P) is identified by disaster, industrial accident, population growth, and land-use change; State (S) is measured by land, water and air indexes, public health and society‟s vice. And, Response (R) is implemented risk management policies effectiveness and efficiency. According to the revised PSR model of 14 indicators integrating into the Hanoi Industrial Zones (IZ), the authors assessed a set of 14 major issues relate to the risks of 08 Hanoi Industrial zones in order to manage the development of Industrial zones towards 2030‟s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
dc.description.sponsorshipNguyễn Việt Hùngvi
dc.publisherNhà xuất bản khoa học tự nhiên và công nghệvi
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